Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening – Best Teeth Whitening Treatment In Hyderabad

First impressions matter. Your smile is the first thing someone notices about you and we ensure that it is the best that you can offer. Stained teeth can occur due to a myriad of reasons ranging from regular smoking, coffee, red wine consumption to bad oral habits. Whatever the reason, our teeth whitening experts in Hdental can offer you the perfect treatment and make your teeth shine whilst removing plague and other bacteria in the process.
Treatment Time Improvements What to Expect
ZOOM! In-Office Whitening 45 minutes Average of 8 shades Immediate results
Long lasting
Less fade-back
Safe and comfortable
Performed by a dental professional
Take Home Trays 7-14 days 6 shades Self-applied Trays, No immediate results
Whitening Strips/Paint-on Gel 7-30 days 3-4 shades Inconsistent tooth whitening, No immediate results
Toothpaste 1 month or more 1-2 shades Results fade if you stop using the toothpaste, Superficial stains only
Teeth Whitening_

How It Works:

Teeth whitening at HDental is quite a simple procedure and all it takes is an hour of your time to have teeth that sparkles.
  • The dentist applies whitening gel and light on your teeth which helps remove the stains and prevents discolouration.
  • This is applied a couple of times with a time gap of around 15 minutes.
After a few final touches by the dentist, you are good to go with a new refreshing smile. If you are living around Hyderabad and want to enhance your smile, make an appointment with us at Hdental, the best dental hospital in hyderabad.

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